Chronic conditions are on the rise in dogs and cats. One example of this is diabetes mellitus. From 2006 to 2015, the cases of this disease in dogs had risen by nearly 80%. The disease is already more common among cats, although they, too, showed an increase. For cats, the prevalence rose by nearly 60%. Dental disease has also shown a significant increase. A few steps can be taken to assist veterinary clients in managing the long-term issues of their pets’ health.

Update Terminology
Clients may balk at a wellness test for an animal that appears healthy. Instead, refer to it as an early detection screen. This allows blood work to be performed on senior and adult animals. The phrasing is not deceitful but more carefully chosen to communicate the test’s purpose while encouraging client cooperation.

Client Expectations
When discussing the chronic condition, set out treatment solutions as well as the necessary frequency of care to follow up. Handouts are helpful for clients to share with those family members who could not attend the veterinary visit. Provide trusted websites to visit for further information, discouraging clients from entrusting the knowledge of their pet’s health to Google results.

Follow-Up Calls
A client may well have more questions after going home and sharing the news of the pet’s severe medical condition with friends and family. Perform a medical callback for the diagnosing veterinarian to contact the client the next day. The opening might include a mention of additional questions with the closing of working together for the management of the pet’s condition and an invitation to call with any concerns or questions.

Forward-Book the Next Exam
Compliance is at its peak at checkout. Because of this, the receptionist should be sure to schedule the following visit first, then collect the payment for the day’s services. This is best performed with the appointment reminder printed on the day’s receipt. The receptionist can remind that the doctor will need to have the pet’s next workup in whatever number of months, giving an option of several days. This encourages the client to select an offered day rather than hemming and hawing and have the option of not scheduling. Follow-up exams are vital for chronic conditions.

About The Author
Anatoly Vanetik is a Businessman and Oil and Gas Expert residing in Orange County, California. He brings over 30 years of professional experience working as an entrepreneur, and remains active as the President and Chairman for his company, Vanetik & Associates. Anatoly Vanetik is also passionate about art history and animal welfare, and has been an active supporter of animal organizations around California. He maintains an active monthly blog on animal welfare, providing helpful tips on giving back, as well as highlighting great animal organizations. 

Learn more about Anatoly Vanetik’s professional background.